Recipe: Pancake Soup ("Frittaten Suppe") Recipe »
My friend M is a fantastic cook. Every time I go to her place for a meal, I know I'll be treated to something delicious and often it will be a dish from her homeland of Austria. When we visited the Austrian Club with her, my eyes wandered to an item on the menu that sounded like something I just had to try: Pancake Soup. M insisted that it was so easy to make and promised to make it for me the next time we came over. And because she's Austrian, she's reliable and doesn't forget promises and a few weeks later, we found ourselves being invited over to have some Pancake soup.
Apparently Pancake Soup (or "Frittaten Suppe") is just made from leftover pancakes from dessert the night before. Austrian pancakes are thinner than American pancakes or flapjacks, they're more like an ever so slightly thicker crepe and are served for dessert spread with jam and rolled up. The next day, they have the added advantage in that they are also easier to slice.
The soup itself can be any clear broth, but she insists that it should not be a creamy soup. And indeed when I taste it, I think it's just perfect the way it is. It's reminiscent of pasta in a soup but with that added unmistakable pancake flavour and you may find yourself making batches of this when a simple yet fulfilling light meal is required. And you know that kids will love it, just add pancake into the title of anything and they'll swarm. Which is why you should most certainly keep a stash of it for yourself.
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