Recipe: Marshmallow Crispy Squares from Nigella Express Recipe »
I love LCMs, embarrassing as it is to say. I particularly liked the Shrek ones with the green chocolate bits on top. There, I've said it. Now that I've confessed my liking for these sticky, chewy treats I can go onto getting on with my life unburdened of my secret. When I happened upon these in Nigella Express, I felt the need to make them, mainly because the Shrek ones had sold out at my Coles.
I didn't use Rice Crispies but instead an Organic version of Coco Pops. Of course I don't have those charming little green chocolate bits on top so some Charbonnel & Walker Hot Chocolate flakes had to do, a much welcomed present from my sister in London every year. The strawberry marshmallows somewhat obscured the chocolate taste, or at least interfered with it, so I had to add some chocolate flakes to the mix as well as on top. And I am not sure what voodoo Nigella is working but my CSI latex gloves were well and truly stickied out and didn't help a jot when I tried to smooth these over.
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