Recipe: Bluth's Frozen Bananas Recipe »
OK I know, there seems to be a banana theme running through my blog of late. In something of a war-time like reaction, when I saw bananas at 99c a kilo I overbought tremendously purchasing 4kgs. Having made several banana smoothies and Elvis Presley Peanut Butter and banana sandwiches (there are only so many of these that my husband will eat), I found myself with still plenty left so aside from banana bread and cupcakes, I needed to branch out and find some more banana recipes.
I stuck a whole lot of them in the freezer to use in later baking ventures but as its a hot day today in Sydney I kept thinking of one of my favourite, and now defunct shows, Arrested Development where the Bluth family had a frozen banana stand. I do recall frozen bananas on a stick and a lot of melted chocolate and nuts involved. So with no further ado, I give you a very simple Frozen Banana recipe, apparently given in George Michael's biography (which has since disappeared from the Fox website).
I promise you, although these aren't the most photogenic of treats, verging on downright ugly, it will be loved even by the fruit phobic, especially fans of Magnum Almond ice creams!
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