Recipe: Creepy Kooky Face Pies Recipe »
The spooky month of Halloween continues with these creepy face pies! These turkey and cranberry pies are as gruesome as they are delicious. With the added sweetness and bloody colour from beetroot these life size human Halloween face pies will frighten guests as much as tantalise their tastebuds-they might just eat them with both eyes closed!
Last year I made some creepy rhubarb eye pies and I had one person on Instagram recreate them and then go on to make whole faces that were creepily good. Then an artist made face pies out of latex (sadly not edible) and by the time this Halloween rolled around half a dozen friends tagged me on the face pie creations suggesting that I make an edible version. And that Dear Reader is how my turkey, cranberry and beetroot face pies came about.
They're actually quite straightforward to make, with just a little more gruesome detail than an actual pie and they taste delicious as well, so any misgiving people may have about these creepy pies will be outweighed by the taste. These are going on the menu for my upcoming Hallowe'en party which I am so excited about!
Speaking of kooky, I often meet a lot of interesting people in my travels. Most are regular sort of people but there are a few that a bit left of centre. One time I was visiting the site of a boutique hotel. The man showing me around was really lovely but a bit kooky. I don't mind kooky or quirky (hello, I just made creepy face pies!) but he did say something that made me do a double take (and if you've got kids reading, the story turns R rated).
He was showing me around the grounds of where they were still to complete building. "The view out there is spectacular so that's where I'm putting the f&^%ing area," he said nonchalantly. "The what?" I said, thinking that he meant it as an adjective, rather than a verb. "You know, where people can f&^%," he said, "I mean look at the view!" he said breathing in the crisp air deeply. I regarded the area and view, I regarded him and thought that perhaps he was a visionary and in decades to come, people may have these areas devoted to it! Either that or he was just kooky...
So tell me Dear Reader, how would you have reacted to hearing that? Was he creepy, kooky or a visionary? Would you eat these pies if they were served to you?
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