Recipe: Lamb Shank Korma Curry With Turmeric Rice Recipe »
The inspiration for this lamb shank curry came from a recent meal at Malabar Indian in Darlinghurst. We were served a delicious lamb shank curry and I knew that some time this winter I would make my own version. This is a thick, creamy curry where the meat of the lamb shank is so soft that you only need prod it with a fork for it to fall off the bone (a slight challenge when trying to present it to guests on the bone!). It's actually also really easy to make and just requires a bit of time to cook the lamb shanks down to meltingly tender.
I paired it with a turmeric rice. Turmeric is a new superfood and is said to increase antioxidant capacity and treat Alzheimers, arthritis and cancer. I saw some fresh at the market and I snapped it up straight away as I usually only see it in powder form. Not really knowing what to do with it, I peeled and chopped it up and added it to the rice along with a little ground turmeric and it imparted a wonderful flavour to it and the roughly diced turmeric softened so that you could eat it whole. It was a delicious alternative to plain basmati rice.
The other day I was given one of the sweetest compliments ever by a Dear Reader. She called me a "rare unicorn" which just delighted me so much that I couldn't stop blushing and smiling. I even hugged her. How did she know that I have a secret desire to be a unicorn?
I come from a family that isn't good with compliments. A compliment is usually sparingly and rarely given and usually offered in a gruff tone. My parents are getting better but I can see that it's hard for them, they're simply not used to it. School marks were always room for improvement and even then my parents weren't the hardest of their peer group. Their friends would chide their children for getting 99% instead of 100%. Thankfully my parents didn't go down that route...
I had two of my dearest friends coming over for dinner one night. New Zealanders Miss America and Queen Viv are two of my longest standing friends and seeing them is always a delight as we catch up on what we've all been up to. You see they don't have facebook and don't email much so it's a real old skool friendship. It was supposed to be a bring a plate dinner but I told them not to worry as it was a Friday night and didn't want them stressed trying to put something together after work. And as we were hosting, it was just easier for me to make the main meal. Although it sounds cliched I know that New Zealanders often appreciate some lamb.
And it was gratifying to get lovely compliments from Queen Viv and Miss America. Even Mr NQN who isn't fussed on lamb actually vocalised that he loved the shanks and not a skerrick returned to the kitchen. Well except the giant shank bone of course ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, what is the ultimate compliment to you? And what is your secret desire? Confess it anonymously if you have to? ;)
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