Recipe: Paleo Banana Pancakes Recipe »
One of Nina's tricks is to distract me through talking and one thing that she tells me about is her latest recipes. She is a self confessed basic cook that tends to only read through a recipe once - just as she's cooking it. She told me the other day that she got three quarters of a way through a recipe before realising that she didn't have the equipment needed! Simple does it for her and this recipe is her paleo banana pancakes for breakfast which are ludicrously easy and contain no flours, just two ingredients: banana and egg! All I will caution is that you do need a good non stick frying pan for this - no matter how much oil you put, if the pan is not non stick, the banana batter will catch. But they're worth trying out I promise. I loved these as they were while sweet toothed Mr NQN loved them with honey.
It's now been over half a year that I've been seeing her. I sway between loving it and then calculating how many pairs of shoes I could be buying with the money spent. But as they say you cannot put a price on health and I do feel myself getting stronger and fitter with every session.
Recently, my trainer Nina was away for a couple of weeks so I had a replacement trainer in the interim. She had to brief them on me and my special needs. That included a fear of falling caterpillars (from a tree, it happened one day) and touching the ground plus a request for two workout mats next to each other and a heater on cold days (alas, she hasn't entertained the latter requests). She also made sure to match me with a trainer who uses gentle guidance rather than one that shouts and yells because I get really mad back when issued with threats or intimidation and a shouting match would probably ensue.
The replacement trainer was lovely but she couldn't do the number of sessions that I wanted so she found me a third trainer. The third trainer looked sweet but she was not my sort of trainer. When I had completed the required circuit she barked "20 more because I just made it that way!". Sullenly, I wished that a caterpillar would fall on her head. Sadly (okay not so sadly at all) I just had one session with the no nonsense trainer and then Nina returned.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you read through recipes before starting them?
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