Recipe: Carrot & Yogurt Labne Dip Recipe »
Vincent: You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup?
Jules: What?
Vincent: Mayonnaise.
Jules: Goddamn.
Vincent: I've seen 'em do it, man. They fkin drown 'em in that st.
-Scene with Jules and Vincent in Pulp Fiction
"You're really quite addicted" my friend said to me. She was referring both to my addiction to mayonnaise and the television show Breaking Bad. These days, I hardly watch films as I find them to be usually quite unoriginal and cliched whereas the acting, character development and production quality of television shows like Dexter, True Blood, Mad Men and Breaking Bad are superb.
Sorry, I digress, I strayed from food for a moment. This recipe is for breaking bad mayo habits. It's a Turkish carrot, caraway and yogurt dip called Yo?urtlu Havuç. Turkish dips are really some of the most delicious types of dips and often very healthy too. This is really just a divine and simple mix of ingredients. The bonus is that the sweetness of the carrot combines beautifully with the creamy Greek yogurt to make it seem like you're eating something much less healthy than it is. It's similar to the cucumber and yogurt dip except I prefer this because of the sweetness of the carrots. In fact, I made a small lot of it just to test out as I only had a few carrots left in the fridge and ended up loving it so much that I made a huge batch of it. I promise that if you spend about 20 minutes making this, you will be amply rewarded.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you prefer television shows or movies? Am I the only TV addict out there?
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