Recipe: Jelly Cake Recipe »
I learned one thing last week. If you want to remain inconspicuous, do not take a jelly cake for a car ride. When Mr NQN and I were driving the jelly cake through Surry Hills with it precariously perched on my lap, it's glistening wobbling presence was like a spotlight beam into our car and people stared transfixed at the wobbling, jiggling creature in my lap. Although if you want to feel like a celebrity driving around in a car, this is a good way to get get the same effect as there was a lot of gawping, curious looks and a bit of finger pointing from the public.
When my friend The Second Wife celebrated her 1st year blogsoversary for her travel blog I wanted to make her a cake to celebrate the occasion. The inspiration came from discussions about her wedding cake which I am also making. She had given me carte blanche to make anything for the wedding and had even suggested a jelly cake. The idea of a jelly cake stuck in my head and so determined to give her a "normal" wedding cake, I decided to give her a fun, kitsch cake for her blogsoversary. I thought that since her blog is a travel blog and she had just come back from a trip to Thailand, that there should be an underwater theme to the cake.
I picked up some little sea creatures and a scuba diver from a toy store. I wanted to insert them into the jelly so that it appeared like an underwater scene. You could of course buy some of those chocolate foil wrapped chocolates if you are serving these to children. David Jones sells sells foil wrapped fish in their Elizabeth Street underpass. I can't promise the children won't eat the cardboard and foil but at least you don't have to worry about them accidentally swallowing these small toys. Whilst I wasn't able to get her a mermaid, I got the next best thing-a woman with her arms raised triumphantly which signalled her brave traveller status.
And then the trouble began.
Failure 1: I wanted to make an alcoholic jelly so I set about making a vodka and lime jelly. It tasted delicious but failed to set. When I rang the place where I bought the titanium strength jelly leaves to find out how much gelatine to use (I used one titanium leaf per cup), they told me it was trial and error and to just "keep trying". Humph. Not Happy Jan!
Failure 2: Bespoke and alcoholic jellies were abandoned. Instead I bought some packets of blue and green jelly thinking that I could combine the two to make a sea green. They turned out so dark that you couldn't really see the little creatures within the jelly. Fail.
Failure 3: I wanted to make several tiers of jelly. When I unearthed the jelly onto the bottom tier, it split in places. I don't actually mind the look-to me it looked like she was riding choppy seas (see picture above) and it seemed even more triumphant given her pose but it would have fallen apart during transportation.
I finally got the result I wanted, twelve packets of jelly later. And I was delighted not just because it worked out but because of the look on her face when she saw it. And I now have three huge bowls of jelly in the fridge earmarked for the jelly loving Mr NQN. Win win really.
So tell me Dear Reader, have you ever or do you ever get the urge to make a crazy cake? And do you ever get the urge to do crazy things in general?
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