Recipe: Swedish Sandwich Cake Recipe »
I don't really do repeat recipes on the blog but the first time I did was so many moons ago that I thought it was time for a revival as it was not only delicious rather kitsch too - a combination I find rather irresistible and it was this sandwich cake. Don't be scared with the amount of ingredients, it is really making a sandwich and you can substitute or remove the fillings and dips or spreads that you use according to taste. The earlier one I made was for a friend that didn't like fish so I made it a smoked meats sandwich cake and it went down a treat. It can also be made ahead of time particularly if you use thicker bread like rye which can soak up the dips. And the main motivation for having this as a birthday cake is to fulfil a birthday wish to have cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Birthdays are a funny thing. They can be bittersweet for some like Mr NQN who never liked them owing to receiving somewhat strange presents growing up. If he had his way, he wouldn't even celebrate it. Not for me however. A birthday is an excuse for cake and any occasion that calls for cake is a good thing. And what comes with every birthday is presents and a dinner so for the food obsessed (moi) it is a great excuse to have a weekend long party. And this upcoming weekend is my birthday, something that thrills me to no end, even if those around me remain bewildered by my happy dances (I'm looking at you Mr NQN ;) ).
I know there are some out there that just don't sweets. I'm not one of them and I suspect if I tried to tell you that you'd probably all laugh quite loudly as my predilection for cakes and sweet is rather obviously catalogued in this blog. For some though, a piece of sweet cake isn't quite as enticing as a savoury one and for them I offer this recipe, an alternative cake which you can make large, and is more often made large for gatherings.
I do feel a distinct affinity with Nordic countries as Mr NQN is half Finn and visiting Finland last year was a real treat. The food was a real eye opener - lots of gorgeous seafood including crayfish as well as exotic things like wild boar, reindeer and bear. They do open face sandwiches which are great if you eat low carb. The bread is used as a vehicle for transporting the toppings never overwhelming them or making the sandwich too dry. Combine that with the delicious spreads on top and a nice topping and you've got a delicious lunch (albeit a touch calorific but it's all about having a good time not a long time right? ;) ).
So tell me Dear Reader, do you eat a low carb diet or is that you idea of torture? ;)
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