October is nearing and we are reminded of National breast Cancer month when pink items start popping up on shelves. I must admit that my favourite supermarket chocolate bar is the Kit Kat. I only like certain ones though being the Chunky Cookie Dough and the Temptations Cafe Latte. The other ones don't really do much for me
Of course having a slavish addiction to the colour pink means that I am obliged to try the two new pink Kit Kats: one regular and one chunky ($1.69 at most supermarkets).
They're not quite as pretty close up and you can see the strawberry wafer peeking through the top. Of course its a little fake in flavour but what else would you expect I suppose but the faux strawberry taste/smell is a bit overpowering in the regular one. The chunky one has a better chocolate to strawberry wafer ratio as there is a thicker layer of chocolate to counter the faux strawberry.
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